Subtle Activism for Introverts
The Zone Subtle activism. Spiritual intervention. Planetary transformation. These are components of a project I’ve been participating in for several years now called the Gaiafield Project, based at the...
View ArticleNothing Like a Good Question
A question can reconnect you to your body, to your breath, to a friend. A question can set you free. Lately I’ve come across some questions that made me sit up and think. The kind of questions that...
View ArticleCan You Rest?
Last week, Thursday afternoon, I felt a familiar ache on the right side of my throat. I have only one tonsil (that’s another story) and it lets me know if I’m coming down with a cold. My faithful...
View ArticleChange is Now, Now is Change
Taking a pause in my morning inspirational readings, I sat back and gazed out into the yard. The sun was at an angle so that it lit up a full, lush branch of pecan leaves from behind. It was...
View ArticleSensitive? Gooooood!
In 1991, Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychologist and a sensitive, began studying the trait known as Sensory-Processing Sensitivity (SPS). To her surprise it turned out that this is an innate trait and occurs...
View ArticleEncouraging Words
Maybe you, like me, could use a little encouragement for those next baby steps on your journey. One step at a time is the only way to move through this time/space realm and hope to keep a peaceful...
View ArticleHow to Cast a Burden
Just knowing something intellectually doesn’t make it so to our subconscious mind. We know there is no power in worrying, but we can get caught in a whirlwind of worry when life is pressing on us with...
View ArticleDeciduous Sorrows
As the energy healer sat across from me and held my tender sprained ankle in her hands, I could feel my heart welling up with soft griefs. I was sorry for my poor foot, but it seemed the vulnerability...
View ArticleSeeding the Heart from the Harvest
The Slowing Season In North America we’re at the tail end of the harvest season and heading into winter. In a day or two our darkest six weeks of the year begin. I’ve been thinking about hibernation...
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